Finance Matchmaking

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We help scaleups with their pitch, guide them through the different (hybrid) funding sources and identify relevant funders.

One of the crucial moments for high-growth companies is the transition from startup to scale-up, when the so-called product/market fit is achieved.

This often involves raising external financing: a difficult and crucial process that is new to most entrepreneurs.

Through this matchmaking session, we help (potential) scale-ups overcome the difficult hurdle for seed funding, series A capital round or when considering an innovation grant. Here we help the entrepreneur get his/her pitch and financial plan in focus towards investors. Afterwards, he/she gets the optional opportunity to pitch in a FINMIX panel session. This panel is composed of different types of fund providers, including PMV Equity, venture capitalist, angel investor, bank, crowdfunding platform,...

The Finance Matchmaking track targets a group of up to ten companies to ensure the necessary interactivity. Multiple individuals per company can participate.


Day 1

Intensive group pitching workshop, where we focus on getting the message to investors clear. Guidelines for developing a financial plan- A venture capitalist gives his recommendations for a good pitch. Preparation of a capital round (term sheets,....). Information on European innovation funding.

Day 2

During the second day, the companies give a pitch and then receive feedback from the experts and fellow entrepreneurs.

Day 3 (optional)

Pitch of 15' to FINMIX panel (composed of different types of funders, including PMV Equity, venture capitalist, angel investor, bank, crowdfunding platform,...) followed by Q&A and feedback from all experts.


Finance Matchmaking

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Selection Criteria

  • All tech verticals à SAAS companies, digital business models
  • Product-solution fit is achieved (technical risk is covered), paying customers or at least have a view of marketing (pilot projects, first sales, first contracts, etc.) 
  • There must be a specific financing need; this need is complex (not (only) through bank financing) 
  • Open to both non dilutive and dilutive funding opportunities


Would you like to know more about Scaleup Vlaanderen or do you have a question about, for example, the participation conditions of our program?

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